The Official Website Of

International Non-Olympic Committee

International Non-Olympic Committee (INOC) is only an International Platform for all Non - Olympic Sports.

Former Secretary General Speech

Inaugural Speech of the Prof. Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI Former Secretary General-INOC.

Inaugural Speech of the Prof. Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI Former Secretary General-INOC.This speech has been delivered by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI Former Secretary General-INOC at the Executive's special meeting has been taken place at Studen in Switzerland, since August 22nd 1997. The Chairman of the meeting and Hon'ble Chief Guest.

First of all, I would like to express my heartiest welcome to you and sports Personalities of the present in the meeting, and would like to thank you for your visit and participation in the meeting for the adoption of constitution etc. of the International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC with the only intention to promote Non-Olympic Sports in the World as they are struggling hard for its survival.

I would like to brief you about the INOC (International Non-Olympic Committee) and its Aims & Objectives set by the Executive Committee of the INOC it is a matter of great pride for the World of Sports and of course for the Non-Olympic Sports, International & National Non-Olympic Federations, Sports Personalities, Players and people of the entire World that a total new organization has taken birth "INTERNATIONAL NON-OLYMPIC COMMITTEE (INOC) came into force on 25th March, 1997, by the first initiation by great country of India. The INOC has been formed with the sole-aim for development, upliftment, recognition and popularising the Non-Olympic Games and Country Origin Games in all over the World. As it into Olympic Games and also like as other popular games, which has been struggling hard to get its popularity amongst the peoples and its due recognition from the "IOC". No matter, few countries of the World also have been taken seriously the Non-Olympic Games with the practicable support and help of its pioneer i.e. Non-Olympic Federations who are quite advance with the regards to the Non-Olympic Games. The Non-Olympic Sports should meanwhile be convinced that all the International Non-Olympic Sports Federations which are not members of IOC will guarantee him full co-operation in helping sport to develop its social impact and particularly its educational role under the aegis of the INOC..

The world is experiencing a keen need to change the code of conduct in relation between people and communities; Leaders are having to reflect on new conditions which technological progress impose. In this regard, the supranational sporting authorities lead by example: they must do so even most vigorously without being afraid of innovation. This is running out to give the first generation of the 21st century living conditions, which are adapted to the rapid evolution in technology. It is everyone's interest to make sure that sport holds its place in the education of children and young people, that it continues to foster the blooming of healthy adults, and to preserve their health as they grow old. Sport multiplies and enhances relation between communities. In safeguarding equality and democracy in competitions at all levels-with the National Games, World Non-Olympiad etc. hopefully would be occupied a more significant place among them, it could promotes the harmonious development of a peaceful world.


  • The INOC-Movement includes the International Federations (IFs, the National Non-Olympic Committees (NNOCs), the Other related committees, national associations, clubs, and persons belonging to them, particularly the players d judges/referees, coaches and the other sports technicians. It also includes other organisations and institutions as recognised by the INOC.Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, sex, or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the INOC-Movement.

    In order to promote the INOC-Movement throughout the world, the INOC may recognise National Non-Olympic Committees and organisations the activity of which is linked to its role. They must be established in accordance with the INOC-Charter, and their status must be approved by the INOC. The INOC may recognize associations of National Non-Olympic Committees(NNOCs) formed at continental or world level.

  • The recognition of associations of IFs or NNOCs does not in any way affect the right of each IF and of each NNOC to deal directly with the INOC and vice versa. The INOC may recognise non-governmental organisations connected with sport, operating on an international level, the status and activities of which are in conformity with the INOC-Charter. The INOC may withdraw, with immediate effect, its recognition from IFs, NNOCs, and other association and organisations.

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Secretary General Speech (Continued..)

The goal of the INOC-Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practised without discrimination of any kind and in the Non-Olympic sports spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a sprit of friendship, solidarity and fair play. The activity of the INOC-Movement, symbolised by five round interlaced rings, is universal and permanent. It covers the five continents. It reaches its peak with bringing together of Non-Olympic Sports of the world at the great sports festival, the World Non-Olympic Games etc.. The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the responsibility of practising sport in accordance with his or her needs. The INOC will have in view that sport organisation (inter alia, the International Non-Olympic Committee, International and National Non-Olympic Sports Federations, National Non-Olympic Committee and other sports related Committees, Candidate Cities, and other organisations at all levels) develop partnership with all sectors, public and private, and all groups concerned, including inter-governmental, non-governmental, and local environmental and community groups, many of which can provide valuable input and expertise. The environmental awareness and concern, as well as environmentally sound practices, be encouraged among sports participants and used generally to contribute to increasing public awareness and promoting environmentally friendly behaviour and practices;

That International and National Non-Olympic Sports Federations develop environmental policies and guidelines, as well as health and environmental recommendations and criteria, applying to sports events and facilities. Such policies and guidelines, recommendations and criteria, should be applicable to all levels of activities and broadly disseminated; That sports organisations give due consideration to the appropriateness of the scale and technical requirements for sports facilities and events, in order to avoid economically and environmentally unsustainable development; That World Non-Olympiad and of other sports events lend priority to the use of existing facilities and where there would be little or no after-use for a necessary facility or capacity, that they consider temporary arrangements, bearing in mind that new facilities should be designed and built with a view to achieving a high level of environmental efficiency, and to providing a long-term, multi-purpose and useful legacy for the community; That sport organisations develop methods for the satisfactory resolution of conflicts between environmental requirements and economic and /or technical requirements; That the INOC be urged to further encourage the organisation of "Sport and environment days" and "Clean-up days" and to assist National Non-Olympic Committees in conducting such days, as well as other environmental activities for the purpose of promoting education and awareness; That sport organisations cleanly communicate their goals, initiatives, successes (including in the area of best practices) and failures, and that they disseminate these, both internally and externally, particularly through the media. That the INOC is the supreme authority of the INOC-Movement. Any person or organisation belonging in any capacity whatsoever to the INOC-Movement is bounded by the provisions of the INOC-Charter and shall abide by the decisions of the INOC. The role of the International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC is to lead the promotion of Non-Olympic games in accordance with the INOC-Charter. For that purpose the INOC has designed the following,

To encourage the co-ordination, organisation and development of sport and sports competitions, and ensure the promotion and application, in liaison with the international and national non-Olympic sports institutions, of measures aimed at strengthening the unity of the INOC-Movement. To collaborate with the competent public or private organisations and authorities in the endeavour to place sport at the service of humanity. To ensures the regular celebration of the Non-Olympic Games. To participate in actions to promote peace and the rights of the members of the INOC-Movement and act against any form of discrimination affecting the INOC-Movement. To strongly encourage, by appropriate means, the promotion of women in sport at all levels and in all structures, particularly in the executive bodies of National and International Non-Olympic Sports Organisations with a view to the strict application of the principle of equality of men and women. To support and encourage the promotion of sports ethics. To dedicate its efforts to ensure that in sports the spirit of fair play prevails and violence is banned. To lead the fight against doping in sports. To take measures the goal of which is to prevent endangering the health of players. To oppose any political or commercial abuse of sports and players. To encourage sports organizations and public authorities to use their best efforts to provide for the social and professional future of players. To encourage the spirit of fair play and all forms of violence . To see to it that Non-Olympics Games would be held in conditions which would demonstrate a responsible concern for environmental issues and encourage the INOC-Movement to demonstrate a responsible concern for environmental issues, take measures to reflect such concern in its activities and educates all those connected with the INOC-Movement as to the importance of sustainable development. To support other institutions which devote themselves to Non-Olympic Education.

Patronage by the INOC

The INOC may grant its patronage, upon such terms and conditions as it may consider appropriate, to international multisports competitions - regional - continental or worldwise - on condition that they take place in strict compliance with the INOC-Charter and are organised under the control of National Non-Olympic Committees or association recognised by the INOC, with assistance of the IFs concerned and conformity with their technical rules.

World Non-Olympic Games

The Non-Olympic Games are competitions between individuals or team events and not between countries. They bring together the players designated for such purpose by their respective NNOCs, whose entries have been accepted by the INOC, and who compete under the technical direction of the IFs concerned. The Non-Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Non-Olympiad and other Non-Olympic Games. They take place every four years. The INOC is in process to organise World Sports/Festival which may be held at Moscow in Russia, in year 2001. And Mini Non-Olympiad Games will be decided by the Delegates at the Conference of the INOC at the same place.

INOS Federations-IFs

International Non-Olympic Sports Federations or international non-governmental organisations recognised by the INOC as administering one or more sports at world level. The national federations administering those sports are affiliated to them. while conserving their independence and autonomy in the administration of their sports, International Non-Olympic Sports Federations seeking INOC recognition must ensure that their status, practice and activities confirm with INOC-Charter.

The role of these Federations is to establish and enforce, in accordance with the Non-Olympic spirit, the rules concerning the practice of their respective sports. they further the development of their sports throughout the world; help to realise the goals set out in the INOC-Charter, in particular by way of the spread of Non-Olympism and Non-Olympic Education; establish eligibility criteria for the competitions of the Non-Olympic Games in conformity with the INOC-Charter and submit them to the INOC for approval; assume the responsibility for the technical control and supervision of their sports at the Non-Olympic Games and at Games under the patronage of the INOC; and provide technical assistance in the practical implementation of the Non-Olympic movement programme.

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The National Non-Olympic Committees (NNOCs)

The INOC is completely in favour of the establishment of good relations and even of close links between the National Non-Olympic Committees and governments, We stipulate only one condition: respect for our independence. The National Non-Olympic Committees propagate the fundamental principles of Non-Olympism at national level within the framework of sports activity and otherwise contribute, among other things, to the diffusion of Non-Olympism in the teaching programme of physical education and sports in schools and university establishments. They see to the creation of institutions which devote themselves to Non-Olympic education. In particular, they concern themselves with the establishment and activities of National Non-Olympic Academies, Non-Olympic Museums and cultural programmes related to the INOC-Movement. These Committees ensure the observation of the INOC-Charter in their countries, encourage the development of high performance sports as well as sports for all and help in the training of sports administrators by organising courses. The National Non-Olympic Committee commit themselves to taking action against any form of discrimination and violence in sports, and against the use of substances and procedures prohibited by the International Non-Olympic Committee or International Non-Olympic Sports Federations, in particular by approaching the competent authorities of their countries so that all medical controls can performed in opinion condition. The National Non-Olympic Committees have the exclusive powers for the representation of their respective countries at the National Non-Olympic Games and at the regional, continental or world multisports competitions patronised by the International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC.

The National Non-Olympic Committees commit themsevels to taking actions against discrimination and procedures prohibited by the International Non-Olympic Sports Federations, in particular by approaching the competent authorities of there countries so that all medical controls can be performed in opinion conditions. In any given country, the International Non-Olympic Committee has the authority to designate a city as a candidate to host the Non-Olympic Games. The National Non-Olympic Committees must work to maintain harmonious and co-operative relations with appropriate governmental bodies; they must also contribute effectively to the establishment of programmes for the promotion of sport at all levels. As sport contributes to education, health, the economy and social order, it is desirable for the National Non-Olympic Committees to enjoy the support of the public authorities in achieving their objectives. Nevertheless, the National Non-Olympic Committees shall preserve their autonomy and resist all pressures of any kind, including those of a political, religious or economic nature, that may prevent them from complying with the INOC-Charter. In their composition, National Non-Olympic Committees must include members of the International Non-Olympic Committee-INOC in their countries, if any; all national federations affiliated to the IFs governing sports included in the programme of the Non-Olympic Games or the representatives designated by the them.

For your information the INOC keeps in touch will entire Sports International & National Non-Olympic Federations, Sports Personalities and Players in all the countries of the World and helps them to start formation of the NATIONAL NON-OLYMPIC COMMITTEES-(NNOCs) in their own countries by these effects The LITHUANIA NON-OLYMPIC COMMITTEE (LNOC) & NATIONAL & NON-OLYMPIC SPORTS COMMITTEE of RUSSIA have already been formed and Kenya, Ukraine, Latvia, Spain, Yugoslavia, Kingdom of Tonga are under process to form their National Non-Olympic Committees and India is in the process of forming the National Body today ,and many more are in the process to form their own National Non-Olympic Committees-(NNOCs). The Director Sports-INOC Mr. P. Eigminas has recently Organised a meeting at Bielorussia on 19-20 February-2000 and next meeting is going to take place at Spain on 15-16 April, 2000 where more than 50 countries are going to participate In that meeting and the INOC’s senior officials would like to attend . The necessity and a global need for the real development, upliftment & recognition of the Non-Olympic Sports at International level and also would like to give them all possible support for the creation of the National Non-Olympic Committees in their respective countries through their fast and positive efforts. Many sports colleagues have passed their views through the telephonic conversation, letters, faxes also e-mails to the INOC Office that they want to give all kind of help, support and best possible efforts to the INOC's Mission. The INOC would be gear-up in full swing, so on that time, the Money, Status and Position will be in hand of the Non-Olympic Family like as other. We are fighting against irregularities and ignorance of the Non-Olympic Sports and its Family, and the INOC will get success and would like to achieve our target what the INOC has fixed-up from the day of its creation.

When entire world would have National Non-Olympic Committees, the INOC would become second largest Sports Controlling Body in the History of World Sports. you would be surprised to know that the International Olympic Committee-IOC is representing not more than 25% of the World Sports and the INOC is trying to represent rest of the 75% of the World Sports i.e. the Non-Olympic Sports and Traditional Sports for their bright future. You would be again surprised to know that `123 many Olympic and its allies reputed & sports personalities from the IOC, GAISF, IWGA, FIFA, EUROPEAN COMMISSION and many other reputed International Olympic Sports Federations, sports figures have given their very positive remarks in favour of the INOC, and the EUROPEAN COMMISSION has passed its views by saying that "wish your efforts every success and we hope it will be a remarkable moment in the history of the Sport". we were not expecting such that positive remarks from above these international organisations & personalities, but it has made clear that, they all have made these statements/remarks in their letters only in the eve of the sports spirit. But they are helpless to extend any kind of support to the INOC-Movement. However, they have accepted its necessity for the Peace & Welfare of the Youths of the Sports World. The co-operation also received from UNESCO & Sports Ministries from many countries of the World. We people like you only believe to do the best & innovative efforts which are longing its recognition from all over the World, we all really believe in hard work. The time is also coming in favour of the INOC, and the INOC will be playing very important roles in the history of the World Sports. We also believe in "slow and steady win the race". And we all are working on the very same pattern & line, we all have taken the task & very strong commitment to give the World a parallel International Sports Body and platform where all ignored Sports, Sports Personalities, Players, and its Federations could make themselves Dynamic, Sound & Spectator Oriented Sports etc. as into other International & reputed Sports, and would feel freedom in the INOC-Movement. The INOC has opened its door for all those who really think about on this task and would like to do for the World Peace & Welfare of the Youths of the World.

Many of us present here are a senior sports personalities, if you all go and read the history of any movement and you will find that every new "ideas" & "movements" have taken long time to reach the every walk of life, but whole world have recognised and accepted that the INOC is the movement in very little of time, and which has made a history in the World Sports. It is also a fact that the big one has been eating smaller, and smaller one is looking on us, when we would do for themselves. The INOC's Aims & Objectives are really excellent and also a need of time, but this effect will definitely damage the IOC-Movement. They have requested us to stop these activities and join the Olympic and its allies Movements. You think about that, what we have learned from these reaction from these leaders of the World Sports, that they are worried about their future, why, because when the INOC will stand in the World Sports as very same as the IOC, so, that time we will become a second largest Sports Body in the History of World Sports. The IOC-Movement is only representing 25% of World Sports and the INOC is going to represent rest of the 75% of World Sports i.e. the Non-Olympic Sports and Traditional Sports for their bright future. Dear friends we believe in "God" (Allah), because, every effort can not be made in practical or success without the prior consent of the "God" (Allah) for any effect, (It is our Faith on “God” (Allah), we are in confident that this effect would definitely be benefited to the youths & ignored sports organisations, personalities etc. in all over the World. At last I on behalf of the INOC thank to Chair and hon'ble Chief Guest, National Sports Personalities, Representatives of all Non Olympic Sports Federations, Members of Electronic Media, Paper Media and all the Participants which are attending this Delegates Conference.

(Prof.Dr. Mohammad Seraj ANSARI )
  Former Secretary-General-INOC

The World Sports dominated

The World Sports dominated by only two continents Europe and North & Latin America

Europe's dominance of the top Executive Officers of the GAISF members federations look at the numbers, who's on top? Italy-12, USA-9, Germany-7, Austria-6, Canada-5, Netherlands-5, Spain-4, the Brazil, China, Great Britain, Korea, New Zealand, Switzerland have 3 each, the France, Mexico, Norway, Sweden have two each, the Algeria, Australia, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Colombo, Denmark, Finland, Israel, Japan, Pakistan, South Turkey, Yugoslavia have one each President of the International Federations, come as surprise. Even the margin - 54 presidencies out of a total of 88, or just over 60% - is unremarkable, given the position of Europe in the world. But Europe's standing at the head of sport has certainly declined since the days when Britain and France dominated the IFs. The balance of Executive power has shifted steadily since the 1970s. For France, perhaps the reason for the decline is linguistic. In Great Britain's case, it may be the end of the Umpire and evaporation of much of its residual spirit.

Today's list of IF presidents shows Italy in first place with twelve, and by a fairly comfortable margin over the USA with nine. Our Survey shows the Italians have almost twice as many IF presidents Germany, four times more than Great Britain and six times more than France, which are about the same size. The financial wherewithal of CONI, Italy's NOC, may be a factor in the ascension of so many Italian officials, and an astute political tradition. Austria is a surprising fourth on the list with six IF presidents. On the other side of the coin, the fact that Japan holds only one IF presidency is noteworthy, and even more so the fact a sporting power such as Austria only holds just one presidency.

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