21.1.10 Supervision of the activities of the Committees and Technical Commission, but not the Legal Committee.
21.1.11 Supervision of the INOC's Sports-Games events.
21.1.12 Designation of organizers/venues for the World Non-Olympiad World Games, Winter Non-Olympiad, Asiad & other Competitions Etc.
21.1.13 To impose temporal limited and unlimited bans if there are violations against the prohibition of doping.
21.2 The Executive Committee draws up a programme of functions and duties for its members.
ART. 22 Legal validity
The Executive Committee itself determines whose signatures are legally binding and it establishes of their responsibilities and type of signature.
ART. 23 Structure
The Technical Commission consists of :
23.1 The Director Sports (Chairman)
23.2 One each members from Sub-Committees.
23.3 And 4 (four) further members to be appointed/elected by the Secretary General/Delegates' Conference. They must not be members of the Executive Committee.
23.4 These 4 (four) members of the Technical Commission are elected from the Ordinary Delegates' Conference for one term of office (i.e. the term between two Ordinary Delegates' Conference). They can be re-elected repeatedly.
ART. 24 Areas of responsibility and duties
24.1 The Technical Commission is an advisory body of the Executive Committee. The Technical Commission can pass resolutions for inviting entries for competitions, which are organized by the INOC.
24.2 The following are some of the areas of responsibility and duties the Technical Commission is offered with.
24.2.1 An advisory role in general questions of the International Non-Olympic Sports-Games.
24.2.2 Technical supervision of the World Non-Olympiad, World Games, Winter Non-Olympiad & Asiad, Etc. organized by the INOC.
24.2.3 The passing of resolutions on drafts of general rules and regulations in International Non-Olympic Sports-Games for introduction and passing to the Delegates' Conference and or the Executive Committee.
24.2.4 The right to prove venue for the World Non-Olympiad, World Games, Winter Non-Olympiad & Asiad, Etc. organized by the INOC for introduction and passing to the Executive Committee.
ART. 25 The act of Convening quorum and motions
25.1 The Technical Commission sits before the Ordinary Delegates' Conference. Over and above that the Technical Commission convenes only when especially important matters arise which cannot be postponed.
25.2 The Technical Commission is convened by the Director Sports in accordance with Article 16.
25.3 The Technical Commission has a quorum, if at least 4 (four) members are present. Each member has a personal vote, which is not transferable.
25.4 Motions can be put forward to the Technical Commission by :
25.4.1 The Active Members
25.4.2 The Executive Committee
25.4.3 The Committees
25.4.4 The Members of the Technical Commission
25.4.5 The Observers
25.5 Minutes must be taken down on all resolutions passed by the Technical Commission and distributed to all TC members, the Executive Committee, the Active Members and the Observers not later than 60 (Sixty) days after the minutes are distributed. In that case the matter must be treated on the following meeting of the TC. 14.4.2. also applies here.
ART. 26 Structure, length of office and elections
26.1 The Legal Committee consists of a Chairman, two Committee Members and two substitute members who must not be either members of another body or belong to the same Active Members.
26.2 The members of the Legal Committee are elected by the Delegates' Conference for a term of office (which amounts to the period of time between (two) Ordinary Delegates' Conference), and they can be repeatedly re-elected.
ART. 27 Areas of competency
The Legal Committee arbitrates in, and resolves all disputes between :
27.1 The Active Members
27.2 An Active Members and the INOC
27.3 Bodies of the INOC
ART. 28 Structure, length of office and elections
28.1 The Delegates' Conference designates 2 (two) Active Members to be in charge of auditing for a term of office (i.e. the period of time between 2 (two) Ordinary Delegates' Conference).
28.2 If possible, both designated members announce immediately the representative who is instructed to carry out the actual auditing.
ART. 29 Duties
29.1 The auditors must check the accounts and the expenditure of the INOC, and make a yearly report on the financial situation to be presented to the Delegates' Conference by way of the Executive Committee.
29.2 They can carry out an audit at any time, providing they inform in writing to treasurer of the INOC at least 14 days in advance.
29.3 A written audit is possible at any time, and must however be carried out at the end of the calendar year.
ART. 30 Revenue
The INOC gets the funds necessary for the fulfillment of its duties by the following means among others :
30.1 Membership fees
30.2 Taking from events
30.3 From third part
30.4 Donations and other fees
30.5 Campaigns for funds
ART. 31 Membership and other fees
31.1 The setting of membership fees and the INOC World-Olympiad, World Games, Winter Non-Olympiad, Asiad & other Competitions fees is passed by resolution at the Delegates' Conference. Active Members are liable to payment of both member-ship and other fees.
31.2 The INOC has the right to make agreements with broadcasting companies about programmes of all the INOC World Games & other Competitions. The same applies to all other picture and sound carries and to possible parties to contact. The INOC Executive Committee leads the necessary Conferences.
ART. 32 Liability
The Committee is liable to fulfill its financial commitments from its assets. A member is also liable, if by intent or through gross negligence, that member is responsible for weakening the financial situation of the INOC.
ART. 33 Changes in rules
Changes in the rules can only be passed by resolutions of the Delegates Conference. A two-thirds majority of those entitled to vote is necessary. The same is true for changes in Article 1 to 4. Amendment will not be allowed in few Articles as mentioned in Section-B, ART-12, Sub-Clause-12.2.8 by the Delegates' Conference or Extraordinary Delegates' Conference.
ART. 34 Disbanding of the Federation/Committee
34.1 The INOC can be disbanded :
34.1.1 By amalgamation with other Sports Committees.
34.1.2 By liquidation.
34.2 The disbanding of the Federation/Committee can only be passed by resolution in a specially convened Extraordinary Delegates' Conference. A three-quarters majority of those Delegates entitled to vote is necessary.
34.3 The disbanding of the Federation/Committee should be carried out, in as far the Delegates' Conference has not appointed other, by the Executive Committee.
34.4 In the case of amalgamation, any remaining assets will be brought into the amalgamated federation/committee. In the case of liquidation, it will be made over to the International Non-Olympic Committee (INOC) for non-profit-making sporting purposes.
ART. 35 Rules and Regulations
35.1 The Delegates’ Conference, with a majority of the votes of those present, is responsible for the making changing and repealing of rules.
35.2 The Executive Committee alone is responsible for making, changing and repleading of regulations, and it can also give directions and make recommendations.
ART. 36 Official Languages
36.1 The official languages of the INOC are English and French.
36.2 In the case of differences between the different versions, the English text is definitive.
36.3 For practical reasons and to save time, primarily English (where possible in conference and meetings.)
ART. 37 Coming into effect
This constitution comes into effect immediately. Studen, Swizerland, August 22nd, 1997
ART : 38 Aims and Rules of the NNOCs.
38.1 The mission of the NNOCs is to develop and defend the Non-Olympic Sports-Games movement in their respective countries; in accordance with INOC's Constitution.
38.2 The NNOCs :
38.2.1 Popularize the fundamental principles of the Non-Olympic Sports-Games at the National level, within the framework of Non-Olympic Sports-Games activity and otherwise contribute, among other things, to the diffusion of the Non-Olympic Sports spirit in the teaching programmes of physical education and sport in schools and universities;
38.2.2 Ensure the observance of the Non-Olympic Constitution in their respective countries;
38.2.3 Encourage the development of high performance sport as well sports for all;
38.2.4 Help in the training of sports administrators by organizing courses;
38.2.5 Commit themselves of taking action against any form of discrimination and coercion in sports;
38.3 The NNOCs have the exclusive right to represent their respective countries at the Non-Olympic Sports-Games/World Games.
38.4 The NNOCs have the right to designate the city which may offer to organize Non-Olympic Sports-Games/National Games in their respective countries.
38.5 The NNOCs must maintain their autonomy and resist all pressures political, religious or economic that may prevent them from complying with INOC's Constitution.
38.6 The NNOCs have the right to :
38.6.1 Formulate proposals addressed to the INOC concerning the organization and development of the Non-Olympic Sports- Games/World Games;
38.6.2 Express their opinion concerning the candidates wishing to organize the Non-Olympic Sports-Games/World Games;
38.6.3 Collaborate in the preparation of the Council;
38.6.4 Participate, at the request of the INOC, in the activities of the INOC's commissions.
38.7 In order to fulfill their mission, the NNOCs must cooperate with governmental and non-governmental bodies.
ART. 39 Structure
39.1 Whatever their composition, NNOCs must include :
39.1.1 The member of the INOC in their country, if any. These members are also full and equal members of the Executive Committee of the NNOC and have the right to vote in both the General Council and the Executive Committee;
39.1.2 All National Federations affiliated with International Federations governing sports, include is the programme of the Non-Olympic Sports-Games/World Games, or the representatives designated by them. A NNOC shall not recognize more than one National Federation for each sport governed by such International Federation.
39.2 When dealing with questions relating to the Non-Olympic Sports-Games/World Games, only the votes cast by the Executive Committee of the NNOC and by the National Federations affiliated with International Federations governing sports included in the programme of the Non-Olympic Sports-Games/National Games are taken into Consideration.
39.3 The General Council of the NNOC shall be held at least once in a year. 39.4 The members of the Executive Committee of the NNOC shall be re-elected at least every four years at a General Council meeting. The Agenda of which includes such re-election.
39.5 The member of the NNOCs with the exception of those doing administrative work in sports, shall accept no salary or bonus of any kind for the performances of their functions. They may, however, be reimbursed for their traveling, accommodation and other justified expenses related to the carrying out of their functions.
39.6 The NNOCs perform the following tasks :
39.6.1 Form, organize and lead their respective delegations at the Non- Olympic Sports-Games/World Games and at the Regional, Continental and World Multi-Sports Competitions patronized by the INOC. They determine the entry of athletes proposed by their respective National Federations.
39.7 It is suggested that NNOCs :
39.7.1 Include in their activities the promotion of culture and arts in the field of sport and Non-Olympic Sports-Games;
39.7.2 Seek sources of financing which will enable them to maintain their autonomy in all respects.
ART. 40 National Federations
To be recognized by and be accepted as a member of the NNOC, a National Federation must exercise a specific and real sports activity, be affiliated to an International Federation recognized by the INOC, and conduct its activities in compliance with both the Non-Olympic Constitution and the rules of its International Federations.
ART. 41 Country and Name of a NNOC
The name of a NNOC must reflect the territorial boundaries and traditions of that country, and must be approved by the INOC.
ART. 42 Flag, Emblem and Anthem
The flag, emblem, and anthem adopted by a NNOC, for use in relation to its activities, including the Non-Olympic Sports-Games/World Games, must be approved by the INOC Executive Committee.
42-A.1 Full membership of the INOC is open to International Sports Federations who are not members of the INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE-IOC.
42-A.2 International Sports Federations who are eligible for membership can apply to the INOC by sending the required simple application form and documents. The proposed membership will be granted by the authority and the final membership's application will appear on the agenda for the next meeting for a vote.
42-A.4 Membership of the INOC may be terminated with immediate effects by a decision of the Executive Committee of the INOC on the conditions that:
42-A.4.1 The proposal to do so has been notified to the Member Federation concerned at least four (4) Months in advance;
42-A.4.2 The proposal has been included in the Agenda of the Executive Committee, and 42-A.4.3 It is carried by at least three-quarters (3/4) of the votes cast in that meeting.
42-A.5 If such a decision is taken, the Federation concerned has to fulfill the obligations accused until the day of the decision. Moreover, it will forfeit any membership fees paid for the current year.
42-A.6 The right to participate in any events of the INOC is restricted to sports and disciplines of sports controlled by Member Federations. Membership of the INOC does not automatically imply participation in any events of the INOC. The criteria sports and disciplines of sports must meet to be eligible for participation are explained in the Rules of the World Non-Olympiad Etc.
42-A.7 The Executive Committee shall decide on admitting eligible sports and disciplines of sports to the sports program of specific World Non-Olympiad etc. events, taking into consideration such aspects as finance, available sports facilities, and other aspects deemed relevant.
ART. 43 Exceptional rulings
43.1 Legal procedure as regards violations and disputes within the INOC cannot be brought before a court of Law, except when the legal body itself disclaims competence and refers the parties to the law courts.
43.2 Violations and disputes within the National sphere are exclusively under the jurisdiction of the National legal body. However, when there is a violation of binding INOC regulations, the case can always be passed on to the Legal Committee of the INOC.
43.3 A National sphere in the sense of 43.2 is defined by the following:
43.3.1 When he in a dispute or disciplinary case are from the same National Committee.
43.3.2 When the incident which occasioned the case did not take place at the International event.
43.4 Violations and cases of dispute in the International sphere can only be put before the legal bodies of the INOC.
ART. 44 Legal basis
44.1 The constitution, rules, and resolutions of the INOC serve as a legal basis for the legal body.
44.2 If no rules or regulations can be applied from the above legal basis and a case can be resolved neither according to the letter nor spirit of the law, then similar previous cases and the reasoning behind other related laws must be taken into consideration. If the case is still in doubt, it must be resolved with regard to the carefully collected and considered details of the case, and according to natural principles of law.
44.3 The personal opinions of members of the legal body may not be taken into consideration.
ART. 45 Name and Structure
45.1 The legal body of the INOC is the International Legal Committee.
45.2 It consists of:
45.2.1 The Chairman
45.2.2 Two Committee Members, one of whom is appointed Vice-Chairman.
45.2.3 Two replacement members
ART. 46 Election
The members of the Legal Committee are elected by the Delegates' Conference for a period of office lasting for the time between 2 (two) Ordinary Delegates' Conferences and they can be re-elected without restriction.
ART. 47 Incompatibility of offices
47.1 The members of the Legal Committee can belong neither to another INOC body nor to the same National Committee.
47.2 The members of the Legal Committee cannot also be members of National Legal bodies.
ART. 48 Ordinary and Extraordinary Structure
48.1 The decisions of the Legal Committee are made by the Chairman and the two Committee Members on a majority vote.
48.2 In the case affects the interest of one the three Ordinary Committee Members or their National Committee, an alternate member replaces the person concerned.
48.3 If the Chairman has to be replaced, one of the Committee Members, preferably the Vice-Chairman, Chairs the meeting in his place.
48.4 Should there be no quorum, the Executive Committee of the INOC must immediately appoint ad hoc members for the specific case to make up the Committee of there. These ad hoc members cannot be excluded from participation by the above stipulations.
ART. 49 Cases
49.1 The Legal Committee is the first and only authority competent in legal disputes between:
49.1.1 The INOC and the National Committee.
49.1.2 Two or more National Committees.
49.1.3 Bodies of the INOC.
49.2 In the case in Articles 49.1, the Legal Committee can be no longer be appealed to if a year has elapsed since the end of the dispute or the establishment of the illegal state of affairs, and the following Delegates' Conference has already taken place.
ART. 50 Procedure
The regulations in Articles 61 to 71 and 72 to 77 are applicable.
ART. 51 Verdicts
The Legal Committee passes judgment, which is final, even when the action or (where applicable) the cross-action is wholly or partly approved of or dismissed.
ART. 52 Cases
52.1 The Legal Committee is competent as the last court of appeal in cases of violation of binding INOC regulations:
52.1.1 Against judgments of the highest National Legal Bodies.
52.1.2 Against regulations of order of National Committee Bodies or their subsidiary organizations, if there are not legal bodies in these National Committees.
52.2 The laws of the National IF's & NF's & National Committees must contain corresponding regulations.
ART. 53 Procedure and deadline
53.1 The regulations in Articles 61 to 71 are applicable, and the contested verdict or order should be stated and enclosed.
53.2 The deadline for the appeal is 30 (thirty) days after the verdict of the highest national authority or after the order has been announced.