ART. 54 Verdicts
54.1 The Legal committee can, as far as it is possible to go into it,
54.1.1 Dismiss the appeal and confirm the contested verdict or order.
54.1.2 Party or wholly sanction the appeal, reverse the contested verdict or order and : Either pass final judgment itself, or Refer the case back to the previous authority for reassessment or reconsideration.
ART. 55 Cases
55.1 The Legal Committee deals with appeals :
55.1.1 Against decisions and resolutions made by the Delegates' Conference of the INOC, should these violate the law of the constitution.
55.1.2 Against decisions, regulations or laws made by the Executive Committee or other the INOC bodies, should these violate committee laws already in force.
ART. 56 Proceedings and time-limit
56.1 Articles 61 to 71 are applicable. The contested decision, resolution, law or regulation must be specified and included in the services. 56.2 The dead time for appeals is 30 (thirty) days after service i.e. after the contested decision has been made known.
ART . 57 In as far as a verdict can be reached the Legal Committee is able :
57.1 To dismiss the appeal and uphold the decision, resolution, regulation of law.
57.2 To accept the appeal and to quash the decision, resolution, regulation of law. The Legal Committee can recommend that the decision, resolution, regulation of law be referred back to the first court to be reviewed in the light of these new considerations.
ART. 58 Cases
The Legal Committee is responsible for disciplinary proceedings against those holding offices within the INOC, should these commit an offices while in office.
ART. 59 Proceedings
59.1 The Legal Committee will act on the petition of a member or a body of the INOC.
59.2 The proceedings are carried out informally. The accused must in all instances be allowed the right to examine witnesses, and be granted adequate defence possibilities.
ART. 60 Verdict
The verdict of the Legal Committee is final, except if altered by pardon or amnesty, which the First Founder Member/Delegates' Conference can grant.
ART. 61 Language, member and style of legal documents
61.1 All Legal documents must be drawn up on English or may be French. With all pieces of evidence included, the legal documents must be served already signed to the Chairman of the Legal Committee Sufficient copies must be enclosed, i.e. 3 (three) for the Legal Committee and one copy for each opposing party.
61.2 Illegible, libelous or incorrect legal documents will be returned to the sender to be corrected within a given time limit.
ART. 62 Calculation of time limits.
62.1 The date of the resolution is passed or the day of order is served, are not included in the calculation of time limit.
62.2 Should the last day fall on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, then the time limit will be extended to the working day.
62.3 Time limit laid down in the constitution or rules cannot be extended.
62.4 The time limits set by the Legal Committee can be extended for important reasons, if an appropriate application is lodged before the time limit runs out.
62.5 Belated legal documents can only be considered if the party was unable to act within the set time limit through no fault of its own. The application must be lodged 10 (ten) days of the party no longer being prevented from acting. The reason for hindrance, plus relevant pieces of evidence must be submitted. The Legal Committee rules on the acceptance or consideration of the application or legal document.
ART. 63 The petition of the application
63.1 The petition of the applicant
63.1 The petition (*dispute* in Article 49 "appeal" in Articles 52 and "complaint" in ART. 55) must contain the address of the Legal Committee and :
63. 1.1 Place and date
63.1.2 Name and address of the parties
63.1.3 The contested verdict or decision
63.1.4 The facts of the case
64.1.5 The legal basis
63.1.6 The petitions
63.1.7 The signature of the petitioner or claimant
63.1.8 A list of the enclosed pieces or evidence (and in the case of an appeal or complaint, the contested verdict or decision should be enclosed)
63.2 The petitioner must observe the regulations about fees and fines (Articles 78 and the following pages)
SART. 64 The service of petition
When the petitioner has fulfilled the financial obligation (Article 78 and the following pages) the Legal Committee sends a copy of the officially stamped petition to be defendant, who can submit his legal document within 30 (thirty) days.
The legal document of the defending party must contain together with the address of the Legal Committee :
ART. The legal document of the defendery party.
65.1 Date and place
65.2 The title of the legal document (*Reply to a petition* in the case of Article 49 and "Observations" in the case of Articles 52 and 55).
65.3 Name and addresses of the parties
65.4 Title and date of the original petition
65.5 Relevant objections to the petition with reasons
65.6 A statement on the facts of the case as portrayed in the petition
65.7 The legal basis for the own document
65.8 A statement on the claims in the petition
65.9 A signature
65.10 A list of the enclosed evidence
ART. 66 Irregularities of form
66.1 Should there be important irregularities of form in a petition of legal document, the Legal Committee can request the parties to remove the irregularities within 15 (fifteen) days.
66.2 If the party does not fulfill this request, the Legal Committee must take this circumstance into account in the setting of fees, independent of the relevant consequences of the legal nature.
ART. 67 Examination of the parties
The Legal Committee has the right to summons the parties to an Extraordinary Session, and to hear third person (witness, expert witnesses or consultants). If this appears absolutely necessary to the cleaning up of the case.
ART. 68 Injections
68.1 An injunction is an order, which is necessary for the implementation of legal procedure.
68.2 Injunctions are made by the Chairman of the Legal Committee or the Vice -Chairman.
ART. 69 Interim injunctions
69.1 The Chairman or the Vice-Chairman of the Legal has the right to make written interim injunctions, without consulting the legal body, if this appears appropriate to the maintenance of the well-ordered legal system or the sporting activities.
69.2 An appeal, however, is permissible within 15 (fifteen) days, without having a suspensive effect. The Legal Committee passes decision on the appeal after the opposing party has been set a time limit of 15 (fifteen) days to prepare its relevant response. A replication and rejoinder are ruled out in this summary proceedings.
ART : 70 Verdict
70.1 The verbal or written consultation on judgment in secret and is as such reserved solely for the members of the Legal Committee.
70.2 The verdict is to be drawn up in the same language as the statement of claim.
70.3 The verdicts of the Legal Committee are legally binding and can no longer be contested by appeal, subject to Article 71.
70.4 The Legal Committee will inform all parties concerned of the verdict as well as notify the INOC office. The verdict must include.
70.4.1 A description of the legal authority and its composition
70.4.2 The date and place
70.4.3 The names of the parties
70.4.4 The facts of the case
70.4.5 The legal considerations
70.4.6 The judgment
70.4.7 The decision on fees and costs
70.4.8 The signature of the Chairman of the Legal Committee, or his Vice-Chairman.
ART. 71 The reopening of proceedings
71.1 The reopening of proceedings which has been closed by the Legal Committee is permissible only in the following cases :
71.1.1 When a document fundamental to the decision has been forged or falsified.
71.1.2 When the statement of a witness, expert witness, or the opponent proves to have been false.
71.1.3 When a member of the Legal Committee has been guilty of gross misuse of the responsibilities of his office.
71.1.4 When a party discovers a previous legally binding verdict in a similar case which contradicts the one.
71.1.5 When a party acquires new facts or evidence which would lead to another decision.
71.1.6 A reopening is only permissible in the circumstances cited in
71.1.4 and 71.1.5 if the party, through no fault of their own, could make no use of them in the main proceedings.
71.2 The reopening of proceedings is chargeable.
ART. 72 A defendant can start a cross-action or raise an objection in the same in which he makes a reply to the action, if the facts are closely related or a settlement is possible.
72.2 In amendment to Article 65, the document must contain as well as the address of the Legal Committee the following :
72.2.1 The date and place
72.2.2 The title "Reply to a petition and cross-action or objection".
72.2.3 The name and addresses of the parties.
72.2.4 The date of the action of the principal petitioner.
72.2.5 Relevant objections concerning the permissibility of the petition with reasons.
72.2.6 A statement on the facts of the case put forward in the petition.
72.2.7 The contents of the cross-action or objection.
72.2.8 The legal basis of the reply to the petition and cross-action or objection.
72.2.9 Statement on the claims of the petitioner.
72.2.10 The claims of the cross-action or objection.
72.2.11 A signature
72.2.12 A list of the enclosed evidence.
ART. 73 Service to the "reply to a petition with cross-evidence"
73.1 When the defendant counterclaiming has fulfilled the financial obligations for the cross-action or objection (ART. 78 ff.), the Legal Committee sends an officially stamped copy of the reply to the petition with or objection to the plaintiff, who can submit his "observations", including where applicable a replication.
73.2 If the plaintiff has not submitted any "Observations" on the cross-action objection by the deadline, a decision is made on examination of the document containing the evidence of the defendant alone.
ART. 74 "Observation on a cross-action or objection"
The "Observations on a cross-action or objection" must contain as well as the address of the Legal Committee.
74.1 The date and place.
74.2 The title "Observations on a cross-action or objection".
74.3 The names and addresses of the parties.
74.4 Relevant objections concerning the permissibility of the cross-action or objection with reasons.
74.5 A statement on the facts of the case put forward in the cross-action or objection.
74.6 The legal basis for the "Observations on a cross-action or objection.
74.7 A statement on the claims of the cross-action or objection.
74.8 The signature of the principal petitioner.
74.9 A list of the enclosed evidence.
ART. 75 Replication
75.1 If the petitioner wants to submit a replication to the "Reply to the petition" or the defendant wants to submit a reply to the "Observations on a cross-action or objection", this must be announced within 15 (fifteen) days of the serving of the "Reply to the petition" or "Observations on a cross-action or objection.
75.2 If the announcement is not made in time this right is cancelled.
75.3 The party concerned must observe exactly the regulations on fees and fines in Article 78 and the following pages.
75.4 The replication must be drawn up according to the regulations of the form for petitions (Article 63) or for cross-actions (Article 72)
75.5 The replication must be submitted within 30 (thirty) days of the Legal Committee serving the "Reply to the petition" or the "Observations on a cross-action or objection".
ART. 76 Serving of the "replication"
When the party making the replication has fulfilled the financial obligations (Act. 78 and the following pages), the Legal Committee sends an officially stamped copy of the "replication" to the other party, who can submit a rejoinder within 30 (thirty) days.
ART. 77 Rejoinder
77.1 The rejoinder must be drawn up according to the regulations of form for "Reply to an action" (Article 65) or "Observations on a cross-action or objection" (Article 74).
77.2 No move written petitions are possible after the rejoinder.
ART. 78 Fees
If legal proceedings are started before the Legal Committee according to Article 50, 53 and 56, the following fees must be paid into the account of the INOC :
78.1 For a petition, appeal or a complaint 2500 $US
78.2 For a cross-action or objection 1250 $US
78.3 For a replication 1000 $US
78.4 For a rejoinder 500 $US
ART. 79 Proof of payment
The submission of one of the documents mentioned in Article 78 must be accompanied by proof of payment from a bank or post-office (giving the name of the parties and the kind of petition).
ART : 80 Fines of breaking the rules
80.1 If payment is not made, the party concerned must pay a fine of 500 $US, and will be requested to make the payment within 10 (ten) days and at the same time submit proof of payment. Otherwise the document will be regarded as invalid.
80.2 The Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Legal Committee can demand further fines from 500 to 10000 $US if a party offends against the proceedings regulations or common decency in a gross manner.
ART. 81 Additional advances
The Chairman of Vice-Chairman of the Legal Committee can demand further appropriate advance for carrying out the proceedings. There can be no appeal against such a decision by non-payment the proceedings are not continued.
ART. 82 Passing on and allocation of costs.
82.1 The costs of the proceedings, which are advanced by the petitioner, are born as a rule by the losing party.
82.2 The costs are divided according to the result of the proceedings.
82.3 A Committee is liable to pay the costs of a member taking part in proceedings either in a legal or an expert capacity.
ART. 83 Document of enforcement
A verdict or decision of the Legal Committee of the INOC about fees, the allocation of costs etc. serves as a discount of enforcement in the conduct of legal proceedings.
ART. 84 Compensation
84.1 Members of the Legal Committee and third person who are summoned to it can claim compensation according to the expenses rules of the INOC.
84.2 No compensation is awarded to the parties, except when in the estimation of the Legal Committee the proceedings constitute an obvious misuse of the law.
ART. 85 Application of further regulations
In as far the constitution and rules contain further regulations, these should be applied correspondingly.
ART. 86 Non-compliance with a verdict or decision
86.1 Should a member of the INOC not observe a verdict or decision of the Legal Committee and refuse to comply, then this members' right as a member are suspended until compliance.
86.2 In the case of a Subordinate Committee, or member, the responsible National Committee must suspend the non-complying member from all administrative and sporting activity until compliance. In addition is must take relevant further measures according to National regulations.
ART. 87 Publication and archive
The Executive Committee of the INOC must make sure that the verdicts, findings and decisions of the Legal Committee and sent to all National Committee and that an archive is kept.
These rules come into effect immediately after the passing of the resolution. Resolution passed: At the Executive Committee's Special Meeting in Studen, Switzerland, August 22nd, 1997.
ART. 89 Treasury administration
For the implementation of the aims laid down in the INOC constitution there is a Treasury, under the control of the Treasurer, the business of the Treasury is carried out by his under the supervision of the Executive Committee, Payment except for smaller sums, should be non-cash.
ART. 90 Extent of the Treasurers' authority
90.1 Within the framework of the budget, the Treasurer (Secretary General) can decide along on all sums.
90.2 The Treasurer (Secretary General) can decide along on the bank accounts. In case of his disability or in special situations when authorized to do by the Executive Committee, the President can decide on the bank accounts.
ART. 91 Keeping of accounts
There must be a receipt for all incomes and expenditures, and all incomes and expenditures of the Committee must be recorded in single-entry book-keeping. At the end of every financial year, an annual closing of account must be drawn up and presented to the Delegates' Conference for approval, and in those years without a Delegates' Conference to the Executive Committee.
ART. 92 Budget
92.1 The incomes and expenditures to be expected in a financial year must be summarized in a budget, which is to be approved for the next financial year by the Delegates' Conference and in those years without a Delegates' Conference by the Executive Committee. The Delegates' Conference determines a financial framework around which the Executive Committee must orientate itself in its budgeting decisions in the years without a Delegates' Conference.
92.2 The exceeding of these budget guidelines must be approved by the Executive Committee and be summarized in a supplementary budget, which must be determined by the Delegates' Conference, or in the years without a Delegates' Conference by the Executive Committee. The exceeding of the budget should only be proposed in Extraordinary circumstances and requires a detailed explanation.
92.3 The Treasurer (Secretary General) must draw up the budget in good time so that it can be presented to the Active Members, Observers, and members of the Executive Committee 4 (four) weeks before the passing of the resolution.
ART. 93 Administration costs
The general administrative tasks of the Committee are carried out at the office and by the members of the Executive Committee.
2.1 To promote Non-Olympic Games Internationally and take whatever measures are necessary to this end.
ART. 94 Travel Costs
94.1 The INOC can only pay travel costs to a limited extent because of its relatively small income. Travel costs can, therefore, only be paid with the authorization of the Secretary General, the Executive Committee, or the Delegates' Conference.
94.2 Under the above condition, the INOC bears the travel costs according to the rules for expenses for:
94.2.1 Participation upon invitation at meetings of the Executive Committee.
94.2.2 Participation of members of the Executive Committee at meetings of other INOC bodies, providing they are not at the same time representing a National Committee.
94.2.3 Participation in meetings of the Technical Commission & other Sub-Committees that do not take place at World Non-Olympiad, World Games or Winter Non-Olympiad, Asiad and other Competitions, providing the permission of the President/ Secretary General is obtained to hold the meeting first.
94.2.4 The INOC will bear all expenses of the First Founder Member for any type of meeting of the INOC.
ART. 95 Date for submission of accounts
Accounts of administrative and travel costs must be submitted as earliest time of the current years at the latest, when they should be acknowledged and paid.
ART. 96 Treasury Auditors
96.1 The auditors must do a detailed audit. The result of the audit must be put down in a formal report and presented to the Delegates’ Conference or the Executive Committee.
96.2 The auditors can inspect the treasury documents at any time. The election of the auditors and their length of the office are dealt with the regulations in Article 72 of the constitution.
ART. 97 Financial year
The Financial year of the INOC is the calendar year.
ART. 98 General
98.1 The rules for expenses contain the regulations about the payment of traveling costs (including day and overnight allowances, petrol money, and additional expenses involved in travel according to Articles 94 of the rules for finance).
98.2 The regulations on expenses are valid for all those working for the INOC who can claim traveling expenses.
98.3 Claims for traveling costs, petrol money, and additional expenses for a trip, according to Articles 94 of the rules for finance, can only be made to one responsible authority. Double claims are not allowed.
98.4 Claims for expenses should be made on the correct form. The time of the beginning and end of a trip should be clearly stated.
5.2 The Chief Patron/Patrons
ART. 99 Money for Transport
99.1 Petrol for traveling by car is 0.50 $US per km. traveling by car and claims for petrol money must be permitted by the President/Secretary General.
99.2 Train travel must be First Class-A.C., the ticket serving as proof. Explanation.
99.3 Those traveling by car should go together if it all possible. For those using their own cars, the INOC is only liable for them if they are validly insured.
99.4 Passengers must be listed by name in the claim for expenses.
99.5 Flights must be Economy-Class is only permissible for Executive Committee Members, Sub-Committee Members or Designated Members. The First Founder Member, President and the Secretary General will be allowed to travel in the First-Class.
99.6 The cheapest form of transport should be chosen in all cases.
ART. 100 Overnight money.
Claims for overnight stays should be for the actual cost, overnight costs of more than 120 $US per night must be permitted by the President/Secretary General. Receipt must be shown. Without a receipt up to 40 $US night can be claimed.
ART. 101 Pocket money
Pocket money can be claimed without presentation of receipts: 50 $US per day.
102.1 Special expense necessary to reach a destination can only be claimed on presentation of original receipts.
102.2 The use of taxis is only permissible if necessary, will be allowed.
102.3 Expenses cannot be claimed for food and drink. Only in exceptional cases can permission be obtained from the President/Secretary General beforehand.
Competition participants must comply with the rules of play, the general sports rules and laws, as well as the following:
ART: 103 Instructions given by the competition organizers or by referees must be followed immediately.
ART. 104 Every player must carry with him necessary track suits, shoes etc.
ART. 105 No player may take alternations to the runs.
ART. 106 Defects observed must be reported to the competition organizers or chief referee without delay. If they have not been elimination, a player may protest to the head referee - before the competition begin, if this does not happen, the facilities are considered to be acceptable for the competition.
ART. 107 During the official opening while competition groups are being welcomed and during the presentation ceremony, a team must present a uniform appearance, (Exception: weather clothes have been permitted)
ART. 108 If a player violates current regulation this must be reported to the referee.
ART. 109 A player's attention must be drawn to the fact if he is about to play manner which constitutes an infringement of the rules.
ART. 110 A team must wait at the run they have just completed until the next run becomes free.
ART. 111 Only one team may wait at any run.
ART. 112 In the case of disagreements about the interpretation of rules, a referee must be immediately consulted (but not called in). Discussions amongst are not permitted.
ART. 113 Unnecessary delays in play are not permitted.
ART. 114 Every player must be ready to start play on a run as soon as the announcement made by the authority.
ART. 115 When they first player has finished his turn, the next player should be ready for this turn.
ART. 116 The use of carrying of playing aids (e.g. devices, spirit, level, or radio equipment) is forbidden for all people on the competition at the stadium/play ground. (for infringements see. Sec-T; 148.1)
ART. 117 Player must not be impeded in any way during a competition. This includes deliberately and unfairly causing a disturbance, shouting encouragement (Which can lead to claim reactions) etc.
ART. 118 A player may only take a short break and leave his group with the permission of a referee. (For infringements see Sec-T; 148.2).
ART. 119 A player must notify the competition organizers if for compelling reasons he has to leave the stadium/play ground before the start of his next round.
ART. 120 A general interruption of the competition (e.g. because of rain) can be ordered by the head referee and must be observed. The competition is continued only when the head referee determines it.
ART. 121 During interruptions in a competition, a player whose round was interrupted must notify the competition organizers if he wants to leave the facilities (for infringements see Sec-T; 148.4).
ART. 122 Tobacco, alcohol, drugs.
122.1 During the official training and the whole competition smoking is forbidden on the facilities.
122.2 Before and during a competition (also between the rounds) to consume or have possession of alcohol and drugs is forbidden.
122.3 122.1 and 122.2 goes also for referee, coaches, functionaries’ jury and so on (for infringements see Sec-T; 147.3).
ART. 123 The referee’s decision should be accepted without argument. Written appeals to the competition organizers can be submitted by the organization, which the player is representing up to 10 minutes after the end of the round of the playing group concerned.
ART. 124 A player can only pull out of a competition with the agreement of the head referee and if he has convincing reasons for doing so. (Exception: Substitutions). (For infringements see Sec-T; 148.3).
ART. 125 Unsporting behaviours is not allowed. It is deemed to be unsporting, for example, when a player throws his track suit, shoes and or any playing equipments away in annoyance (with the exception of the case where a player may drop his above items in annoyance particularly at the end of a round), where he mis-hits on purpose, or when he does not comply with the decisions of the referee or the competition organizers.
ART. 126 All participants, whether in practice or in a competition, must keep a safe distance because of the risk of injury.
ART. 127 One substitute is allowed per team. He must be selected and named before the beginning of the competition. The substitute can be brought in at any time, and must resume the game from the ending result/point. A substitution is only possible once.
ART. 128 The same player can only be the substitute one team.
ART. 129 Substitutes cannot be members of other teams.
ART. 130 Substitutes must begin after the regular team members otherwise a substitution is not possible.
ART. 131 The substitutes should be reported to the competition referees and from there to the competition organizers. The substitution should be noted on the main score records.
ART. 132 The competition organizers must announce the substitution.
ART. 133 A player who has been substituted can play on for an individual placing.
ART. 134 If a substitute is not already taking part in the competition, he must be brought in immediately for the substituted player.
ART. 135 Only one substitution is brought possible. If after a substitution a regular player has to drop out because of illness, injury, or some other reason, a further substitution is not possible.
135.1 A substitute cannot be brought in for a regular player who has been disqualified.
ART. 136 Substitutions should be noted;
136.1 In the competition records.
ART. 137 A regular team member who has been substituted can drop out of the competition if he wishes.
ART. 138 Organizations which nominate a substitute must at the same time nominate a person who is empowered to make the substitution.
ART. 139 Articles 137 is only valid for cases where the substitute takes part in the competition.
ART. 140 If the desire for a substitution comes from the regular team himself rather than the team leadership, the player can indicate this to a referee. In the case the refer arranges the substitution with the person nominated by the organization (See-ART-138). In all other cases, a substitution can only be made by or with the person nominated for the purposes.
ART. 141 Substitutes must be informed of when they are to be brought in.
ART. 142 The competition organizers must be informed by the referees when and at which results/points a player is substituted.
ART. 143 The following comprises a list of the penalties which have been laid down for infringements during competitions.
ART. 144 Infringements of the playing or general sporting rules are punished general by a caution. Warnings are possible for small infringements (such as technical infringements of the peculiarities of a playing rules of the games.
ART. 145 Coaches are subject to the same penalties as players with exception of the rules on penalty point.
ART. 146 The following penalties are the least possible. A disqualified player must leave the competition stadium/play ground immediately.
ART. 147 Penalties of infringements of general sporting rules:
147.1 Unsporting behaviour Depending on the severity of the case;
A caution
A caution and 1 to 10 penalty points (or inf.147.7.1-2) Disqualification or Disqualification and 8 weeks ban
147.2 Improper attire Disqualification
147.3 Smoking, possession Disqualification and 18 weeks ban or consumption of (or inf.147.7.1-2) alcohol, drunkenness during a round
147.4 Playing in spite of a ban Disqualification and 18 weeks ban (or inf.147.7.1-2)
147.5 Offensive language Disqualification and 18 weeks towards a referee, ban (or inf.147.7.1-2) members of the jury, a competition or organization functionary.
147.6 Violence of any kind Disqualification and 18 weeks ban (or inf.147.7.1-2)
147.7 The IF’s and NNOCs should inform of penalty with a ban, and it should be punished accordingly. The IF’s and NNOC has to inform the INOC-Director Sports.
147.7.1 Disqualification will also be applied as per norms of the games or decided by the Executive Committee of the INOC.
147.7.2 Duration of ban may be increased or decreased by the Executive Committee of the INOC.
ART. 148 Penalties for infringements of the "Rules and regulations for competition participants"
148.1 Use and/or possession of playing aids
An infringement will be dealt with as unsporting behaviour in compliance with clause 147.1 of these regulation for penalties.
148.2 Leaving the playing group without permission.
Infringement can lead to disqualification without a prior warning.
148.3 Dropping out of a competition
A player who drops a competition without agreement of the referee is deemed to be guilty of unsporting behaviors, and is dealt with according to ART-147.1 & 147.7.1-2 of these penalty regulations.
148.4 Late arrival without permission to be absent
A player who is missing without permission to be absent when he is called to play is given punishment as per the norms of the games. However he can also be disqualified at the discretion of the refereeing committee.