148.5 Causing a disturbance in the competition or practice
An infringement will be dealt with according to 147.1, of these regulations for penalties, including when it occurs in practice and the competition is in progress for another group.
148.6 Late arrival after a competition is interrupted
A player who is absent without permission when a competition is continued after an interruption will be disqualified.
ART. 149 Disqualification of a team player/team.
When a player is disqualified, he is given, as per norms of the games, all those rounds he has not yet played or completed.
ART. 150 Penalties for other infringements.
Other infringements of valid regulations lead to a caution at least. More severe penalties are given at the discretion of the head referee.
ART. 151 Referee can decide on less severe penalties in special cases (e.g., for school-children or new players and disabled players).
Section-U Appendix
ART. 152 Legal basis
Legal basis for the work of the Executive Committee and the INOC office are the constitution and rules of the INOC, as well as the laws applying to Committees of the country in which the INOC has its headquarters.
ART. 153 Working guidelines
The Executive Committee of the INOC, as the agent of the Committees, and the INOC office, as its subsidiary agent, fulfill their obligations according to the:
153.1 Articles of the constitution
153.2 Resolutions of the Delegates' Conference and the Technical Commission,
153.3 Rules for the different subject areas, constitutionally passed by the Delegates’ Conference,
153.4 Programme of functions and duties.
The members of the Executive Committee can use the INOC office to fulfill the duties assigned to them; the office is run by the Secretary-General, who can appoint an Executive Secretary/Secretaries or staff to work on an honorary capacity or salary basis as required.
ART. 154 The passing of resolutions and the rights of appeal.
The appropriate articles of the constitution apply
ART. 155 Allocation of work
The work of the Executive Committee and the INOC office should be allocated to the appropriate areas or the INOC office, according to the programme of functions and duties.
ART. 156 The Signature
The signature of those power of authority is determined at the beginning of each period of office, according to Articles 22 of the Constitution.
The INOC Executive Committee lays down the following guidelines:
The members of the Executive Committee are responsible for the following duties:
ART. 157 President
157.1 The President shall be elected by the Delegate' Conference or in special circumstances, the First Founder Member can also appoint the President and other Executive Members.
157.2 The President shall convene and chair the Delegates' Conference and the meetings of the Executive Committee.
157.3 Co-ordination of the work of the Executive Committee, and between it and the INOC Office.
ART. 158 Vice-President
158.1 Representing the President if he is unable to appear.
158.2 The functions and duties of the Vice-President in the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall be elected the Chairperson who shall exercise all the powers of the President.
ART. 159 Secretary General/Treasurer
159.1 The Secretary General shall be elected by the Delegates’ Conference, not necessarily from among the members.
159.2 The Secretary General shall convene and attend all the meetings of the Executive Committee and Delegates' Conference and Sub-Committees.
159.3 The Secretary General shall act under the direction of the Executive Committee and shall correspondence of the Committee and transact all the official business of the Executive Committee.
159.4 The Secretary General shall be in charge of the properties of the Committee, including correspondence, files, minute books, materials belonging to the Committee, and shall maintain an inventory of the same.
159.5 The Secretary General shall submit the annual report and other reports belonging to the Delegates’ Conference of the INOC at its Conference.
159.6 Advising the Executive Committee in questions of public relations.
159.7 Establishing and maintaining relations with the sports media in the widest sense.
159.8 Carrying out public relations work in coordination with the Executive Committee.
159.9 The keeping of an INOC Photo archive.
159.10 Gathering arrangement and continuous compilation of information about public relations work in the member organizations.
159.11 The Secretary General shall keep contact with International Non-Olympic Federations and National Non-Olympic Committee for better coordination.
159.12 The functions and duties of the Secretary General and Treasurer are contained in the rules for finances.
159.13 It keeps the records of the INOC.
159.14 In enacts, in the form it deems most appropriate, all regulations (codes, rulings, norms, guidelines, guides, instructions) necessary to ensure the proper implementation of the Non-Olympic Constitution and the organization of the Non-Olympic Sports-Games.
159.15 The Secretary General sets up permanent commissions and working groups when necessary, establishes their tasks and designates their members. He determines their dissolution when they have fulfilled their mandates.
ART. 160 Director of Sports
160.1 Chairing the meetings of the Technical Commission.
160.2 Preparation and supervision of World Non-Olympiad, World Games, Winter Non-Olympiad, Asiad & other Competitions promoted by the INOC, where necessary in co-operation with the other Committees or the person appointed for the purpose.
160.3 Supervision of play within the framework of the existing regulations.
160.4 Drawing up and supervision of the INOC Calendar.
ART. 161 Executive Committee Members
161.1 The Executive Committee Members shall be elected by the Delegates’ Conference from each representing one Continent.
161.2 The Secretary General can also appoint Executive Committee members for the period of the next Delegates’ Conference or Extraordinary Delegates Conference for the larger interest of the INOC.
Guidelines for the World Non-Olympiad, World Games, Winter Non-Olympiad, Asiad and other Competitions.
During official practice and competition advertising is allowed on sports closing (jerseys, shirts, jackets, track-suits, pullovers or similar items) under the following stipulations:
ART. 162 On this side of sporting cloth (front, back arm) where the nation is to be seen, advertising is not permitted.
ART. 163 Advertising is allowed on kit-bags
ART. 164 Advertising is only allowed if :
164.1 The players have nothing against it.
164.2 Clubs and organization (not players) receive income from the advertising.
164.3 A team wears the advertising uniformly.
ART. 165 Starting advertising is not affected by these regulations. Players must wear starting members (including any advertising) if the promoter has agreed to this.
ART. 166 These regulations apply to all competitions.
ART. 167 These regulations can be changed or cancelled by a majority of the Delegates’ Conference. The First Founder Member may also grant permission in case of urgency/need.
ART. 168 General
These guidelines of the INOC for fighting against doping are based upon the world-wide Anti-doping charter for fighting against doping.
ART. 169 Definitions
169.1 Doping is the attempt to raise the fitness of the sportsman or woman, using doping-substances (oral, injection or otherwise) by the sportsman or - woman or an auxiliary person before or between a competition or in the training.
169.2 Doping-Substances are :
169.2.1 Stimulants (e.g. drugs with ephedrine)
169.2.2 Analeptics (Camphor and strychnine derivatives)
169.2.3 Anabolics and anabolic hormones
169.2.4 Narcotics
169.2.5 Local anesthetics
169.2.6 Hypnotics
169.2.7 Anti-depressants, psychoactive drugs.
169.2.8 Diuretics
169.2.9 Dubstances, which relaxes muscles
169.2.10 Cortisone
169.2.11 Beta-Rezeptorenblocker
169.2.12 Alcohol
169.2.13 Caffeine (-15ug/ml urine)
169.2.14 All substances corresponding to 169.1
ART. 170 Prohibition
170.1 Using doping substance corresponding to ART-169 is prohibited and will be punished.
170.2 The INOC and its member organization (National Committees) have clauses for the case of violation against the prohibition of doping in the contracts of employment with coaches (gross breach of contract)
170.3 For punishing see ART-174 of these guidelines.
ART. 171 Using on medical grounds/exceptions
171.1 On medical grounds, the substances named in ART-169.2 must not be taken if the player is already in the competition.
171.2 If the player has a medical attest for taking a medicament that contains substances of the doping list, these guidelines are not relevant.
171.3 The medical attest must not be older than 6 months. An attest of the public health officer is valid for 12 months.
171.4 The attests are only valid at controls while competitions, if they are shown to the jury until the begin of the competition.
ART. 37 Coming into effect
171.5 Injections of local anesthetics are toleration under the following:
171.5.1 Using of Procaine, Xylocaine, Carbocaine etc., but not Cocaine.
171.5.2 Only local injections or injections into the joints.
171.5.3 Existing of a medical indication.
171.6 Cortisone
The local use of cortisone (e.g. as liniment) is tolerated. Other forms of use (e.g. inhalation, oral, taking, injection,...) are doping substances corresponding to fig 169.2 of these guidelines.
ART. 172 Scope
172.1 These guidelines are valid for all players of the INOC and its member organization (National Committee)
172.2 The INOC and its member organization (National Committee) have to inform the players and auxiliary persons about this doping guidelines. This requirement it fulfilled, if there is an information about doping in the announcement of a competition or in the "Technical Discussion".
172.3 The member organizations of the INOC (National Committee) are bound to have this doping, guidelines in their status, They have to nominate bodies for doping-controls.
ART. 173 Doping Controls
173.1 Doping controls can be made during the training, before competitions and especially at all mastership and official competitions.
173.2 The member organizations of the INOC (National Committee) have to ensure that doping controls are made routinely.
173.3 Doping controls are carried out with urine specimen. For alcohol test the breath is tolerated. If the tests is positive, there can be made a blood alcohol test (in agreement with the player)
173.4 Players and auxiliary persons must agree to doping controls in training and competitions, Refusal of doping controls are punished like a positive doping test.
173.5 The INOC or some other authority, which is nominated by the INOC, has to co-ordinate and prepare doping controls, especially at World Non-Olympiad, World Games, Winter-Olympiad, Asiad and other Competitions. Information of the promoters is not necessary. A room for the doping control must always be available.
173.6 Doping controls which are demanded by other National or International organizations must be observed by the INOC or some other authority, which is nominated by the INOC.
173.7 Authorities for examination must be nominated by the INOC in agreement with the with the respective National Committee.
173.8 In simplify matters at preparation and realizations of doping controls the rules of the National Committees are the basis and all participants have to accept them, Promoters of Competitions of the INOC must make the doping guidelines available during the World Non-Olympiad, World Games, Winter Non-Olympiad, Asiad and other Competitions.
173.9 Unless otherwise provided, the respective orderer has to pay the doping controls.
ART. 174 Punishments
174.1 If the use of doping substances has been proved, the INOC must take sanctions.
174.2 174.1 is also valid, if the doping test has been refused.
174.3 Sanctions for players
Punishment for doped players :
174.3.1 Disqualification in the concerning competitions.
174.3.2 At least one year suspension for all competitions.
174.3.3 In case of recurrence suspension for life.
174.3.4 Disqualifications of one team player means disqualifications of the whole team.
174.3.5 All results are provisional till the end of the doping controls.
174.3.6 Already awarded prizes must be given back.
174.4 Sanctions for auxiliary persons.
174.4.1 Contracts of employment with coach must contain the case of violation against the prohibition of doping and that this case implies summary dismissal.
174.4.2 174.4.1 is also valid for auxiliary persons without contracts.
ART. 175 Announcements of decisions
175.1 Decision of punishment must be announced immediately by the INOC and be sent to all member organizations (National Committee)
175.2 Otherwise, results of doping controls must be treated strictly confidentially.
ART. 176 Acknowledgment of decisions of other National Committees.
Punishments regarding violation against the prohibition of doping (the case of recurrence, suspensions and disqualifications) will be accepted by all members of the INOC (National Committee)
ART. 177 Realization of the doping guidelines.
The INOC is responsible for observing the doping guidelines and it nominates an authority for realization of the doping controls.
ART. 178 Changes
These doping guidelines can be changed or added by decision of the Executive Committee.
ART. 179 Coming into force
These guidelines come into force with passing the Executive's special meeting in Studen, Switzerland, August 22nd 1997.