1. INOC Sports Membership 2. INOC Sports Patronage Membership :-
The International Non-Olympic Committee -INOC has introduced two new membership format
1-INOC Sports Membership & 2-INOC Sports Patronage Membership.
Henceforth, there will be two membership formats for "Newly Introduced Sport" and "Already Existing Ones" which are struggling for global expansion, recognition, popolarity of sport, support, sponsorship and able administrator etc., as an International Sports Federation (IFs).
Join either of these formats:
1. INOC Sports Membership. 2. INOC Sports Patronage Membership
INOC Sports Membership : Under this membership, INOC invites sports personalities worldwide to develop and introduce new sport, the INOC will helps to develop the Sport and run globally under the INOC owned Sport.
INOC Sports Patronage Membership : Under this membership, INOC also invites International Sports Federations (IFs) worldwide to join and become INOC Patronage Sports, the INOC helps the international sport federations (IFs), which are unable to expand their sport worldwide, due to lack of support and privileges, which they are expecting from the world, Those sport can join and become INOC Patronage Sports and work together to develop global sport with high popularity and recognition from the sporting loving society of the world.
For any queries, you may please write to: [email protected]
The below Internaional Sports Federations (IFs) have already joined INOC Charter
INOC Sports MembershipThe below Internaional Sports Federations (IFs) have already joined INOC Charter
INOC Sports Patronage Membership